Natalie Hutchison
Being a nature lover and finding the water and beach most calming, Natalie has settled with her family in the lovely lakeside town of Port Colborne. You may find Natalie wandering the beautiful downtown, West Street, and shoreline for solace and inspiration.
Natalie works from her home studio, The Hutch...Yoga, Art, Craft, Etc., near the shores of Lake Erie, where she loves to experiment with style, colour, texture and mediums. She enjoys working primarily in watercolour, acrylic and mixed media. Her paintings are typically colourful, bright and bold, strongly resonating her feelings and energy of the moment. |
Contact Natalie:
Private home studio - by appointment only: The Hutch...Yoga, Art, Craft, Etc. 135 Rosemount Avenue Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5R1 905-512-6707 email: [email protected] facebook: /thehutchyogaartcraftetc instagram: /nhutchyogaartlife |